What is organic growth on social media and why is it so important? This post aims to give you a quick and simple rundown of my High Five Top Tips to grow your social media engagement. 

Getting Started with Social Media

Before you look at growth hacking your social media pages to the top, you’ll need to get them started first. It’s important to have a solid content posting schedule going.

Not only does this show consistency on your side, but each post will promote awareness and allow your audience to get a  better idea of what your brand sounds like, how you can help them without being spammy, and how their loyalty to your brand is a benefit to them.

Your social media content can cover various shapes and formats. Take a look at the most popular types of content for social media listed here:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Text that shares quotes, quotes, testimonials, product descriptions, etc.

Now, on to my quick list of top five tips for organic social media growth!

1. Get socially active

The The world of social media can be the best place to hang out if you know what you’re doing. Since it is, at its core, a world built on social engagement, the rule should always be to engage with your followers and audience as much as they engage with you.

If you have negative engagement, the best thing you can do is connect with the person or company who posted the negative comment or complaint. Connect with them in an authentic yet kind manner that shows your concern with addressing the issue to the best of your capabilities.


Remember, your followers are always watching your responses. And by showing grace, even in distasteful social interactions, will prove to be an invaluable asset to your brand’s identity.


As a content writer, l understand the purpose of social media, and why brands, entrepreneurs, and companies all need this fundamental tool to grow their online awareness.

More Info: Find Out About My Services

2. Break the conventional marketing wheel

In essence, this point is all about being more relaxed and relative with your sales marketing. There’s nothing more off-putting on social media that seeing conventional in-your-face sales tactics meant to push you into a purchase.

Since social media thrives on entertaining and informative content, keep that in mind for your posts. Stick to the niche you’ve planted yourself in, and be generous with how much valuable expertise and ideas you share with your audience.


In the end, it’s all about helping, informing, and entertaining them. Only when you’re focusing specifically on your social media ads, do you pull out your sales hat.

3. Don’t get tricked by trends

Oh, trends. How we love and loath you.

Yes, we’ve all been victim to a trend that seemed solid at the time, only to realise that the fad came and went without actually doing anything positive to your brand image. 

If you don’t know how a trend started, or the fundamental message behind it, my advice is to avoid getting your brand involved in it.

Why? Simply because it can come to bite you in the behind.

If the message behind the trend is negative, or if it does not match the identity of your brand, treat it like any other fad and let it pass you by instead.

4. Get in on platform perks

Whether you’re a social media guru running your brand’s awareness campaigns with nothing more than your phone or tablet and a Canva account, or you’re like me, and you have a select few platforms, you’d be smart to use each site’s tools to the max.

Research each platform you want to engage on too, and get a greater overview of what each platform can offer without taking up too much of your time.

5. Get tracking

You can do all the social media engagement in the world and it won’t mean a thing if you’re not tracking your progress. Ask yourself if the results you’re seeing after months of continuous posting has fulfilled the goals you set out at the start of your awareness campaigns.

Remember to monitor any KPI’s and metrics you’ve established at regular intervals. When you evaluate how those measures correlate with your goals on a regular basis, it will be easier to adjust your content planning for future success.


I wrote this post to remind you that achieving social media growth success in today’s times can be a lot simpler than you imagine. I also design, draft and create killer content for social media on a daily basis, both for clients and my personal brand and I hope this post will make your life simpler so you can focus on the stuff that really matters.

More Info: Write It Up Specialises In Helping You Describe Your Business

What is your view on social media?


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What is organic growth on social media and why is it so important? This post aims to give you a quick and simple rundown of my High Five Top Tips to grow your social media engagement. 

Getting Started with Social Media

Before you look at growth hacking your social media pages to the top, you’ll need to get them started first. It’s important to have a solid content posting schedule going.

Not only does this show consistency on your side, but each post will promote awareness and allow your audience to get a  better idea of what your brand sounds like, how you can help them without being spammy, and how their loyalty to your brand is a benefit to them.

Your social media content can cover various shapes and formats. Take a look at the most popular types of content for social media listed here:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Text that shares quotes, quotes, testimonials, product descriptions, etc.

Now, on to my quick list of top five tips for organic social media growth!

1. Get socially active

The The world of social media can be the best place to hang out if you know what you’re doing. Since it is, at its core, a world built on social engagement, the rule should always be to engage with your followers and audience as much as they engage with you.

If you have negative engagement, the best thing you can do is connect with the person or company who posted the negative comment or complaint. Connect with them in an authentic yet kind manner that shows your concern with addressing the issue to the best of your capabilities.


Remember, your followers are always watching your responses. And by showing grace, even in distasteful social interactions, will prove to be an invaluable asset to your brand’s identity.


As a content writer, l understand the purpose of social media, and why brands, entrepreneurs, and companies all need this fundamental tool to grow their online awareness.

More Info: Find Out About My Services

2. Break the conventional marketing wheel

In essence, this point is all about being more relaxed and relative with your sales marketing. There’s nothing more off-putting on social media that seeing conventional in-your-face sales tactics meant to push you into a purchase.

Since social media thrives on entertaining and informative content, keep that in mind for your posts. Stick to the niche you’ve planted yourself in, and be generous with how much valuable expertise and ideas you share with your audience.


In the end, it’s all about helping, informing, and entertaining them. Only when you’re focusing specifically on your social media ads, do you pull out your sales hat.

3. Don’t get tricked by trends

Oh, trends. How we love and loath you.

Yes, we’ve all been victim to a trend that seemed solid at the time, only to realise that the fad came and went without actually doing anything positive to your brand image. 

If you don’t know how a trend started, or the fundamental message behind it, my advice is to avoid getting your brand involved in it.

Why? Simply because it can come to bite you in the behind.

If the message behind the trend is negative, or if it does not match the identity of your brand, treat it like any other fad and let it pass you by instead.

4. Get in on platform perks

Whether you’re a social media guru running your brand’s awareness campaigns with nothing more than your phone or tablet and a Canva account, or you’re like me, and you have a select few platforms, you’d be smart to use each site’s tools to the max.

Research each platform you want to engage on too, and get a greater overview of what each platform can offer without taking up too much of your time.

5. Get tracking

You can do all the social media engagement in the world and it won’t mean a thing if you’re not tracking your progress. Ask yourself if the results you’re seeing after months of continuous posting has fulfilled the goals you set out at the start of your awareness campaigns.

Remember to monitor any KPI’s and metrics you’ve established at regular intervals. When you evaluate how those measures correlate with your goals on a regular basis, it will be easier to adjust your content planning for future success.


I wrote this post to remind you that achieving social media growth success in today’s times can be a lot simpler than you imagine. I also design, draft and create killer content for social media on a daily basis, both for clients and my personal brand and I hope this post will make your life simpler so you can focus on the stuff that really matters.

More Info: Write It Up Specialises In Helping You Describe Your Business

What is your view on social media?


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